About Me

Mahsa, what has she done?

Film and theater Actor

Mahsa Kamyabi is a professional film, theater and television actress with activities in the fields of art, design and music.

  • Date of birth : Apr 1989
  • website : https://mahkamyabi.ir
  • Phone number : +982122221123
  • City : Tehran
  • Evidence : Masters
  • Email : Admin@mahkamyabi.ir
  • Type of Activity : Design, Cinema & Music

If we want to get to know Mahsa Kamyabi better. I have to tell you earlier when I was little.

We went through elementary school in Tehran with our classmates.

We reached the high school level, then I studied graphics at the first university, and then I also studied graphics for my master's degree.

But because I was interested in acting, I attended free classes.

Of course, I tried and tried to finally enter the cinema like everyone else with the training and training courses of Mr. Tarakh and Sidi.





Resume and biography

The story of Mahsa ...


elementary School

Tehran, I spent time at Hedayat School, Shahrek Omid


I spent the first and second year of middle school at Bahonar Saadat Abad School in Tehran and spent the third year in the same school.

Hedayat school in 1374

Bahonar School in 1379

school of Art

I spent the first year of high school in a model school, and then I continued my education by choosing a major in "Roshangar" Iran Graphic Art Academy in Tehran and graduated as a model student in 2016.

Roshangaran Academy from 1384 to 1386


1389 to 1393

Bahner Kerman

I took the entrance exam in 2009 and entered Bahoner University of Kerman in 2010 and I was accepted in the field... .

With the art of Kerman from 1989 to 1993

With the art of Kerman from 1989 to 1993



From 1388 to 1392

In the master's degree

Department of Graphics, University of Tehran

From the year 2015-2015


The first years of life Mahsa Kamibabi

Mahsa Kamyabi was born in 1368 in Tehran. He is the only child in the family. His origin goes back to Tehran. His university education was in the field of graphics at the University of Tehran, after which he completed his master's degree in graphics at the University of Tehran. He moved his work in the field of performing arts to the cinema with theater and the training of professors such as Amin Tarakh and Homan Sidi.

Activity and record


He learned to play the piano under the teacher Friborz Lachini. But he has not published his official pieces in a specialized way.


He was present in the acting series by acting in the series "Kahr wa Ashti" directed by Ali Zhekan in 2013.


Mahsa Sagham played a role in the theater Death of Yellow Women in 2015 in the Arghnoun Theater in Tehran.

the cinema

In 2013, Mahsa Sagham entered the cinema scene by acting in the movie Rasvai directed by Massoud Deh Namaki. The series "Relatively Bad Boys" in 2013 directed by Siros Moghadam from the Islamic Republic of Iran Voice and Television channel is considered a continuation of Mehsa Sagham's activities. In 2014, he played a role in the movie Ghazaleh directed by Mohsen Shah Mohammadi. In September 2017, he was present with the screening of Immortality Sequence Plan directed by Mehdi Fard Qadri and then in 2018 with the home show series Recovery directed by Bahadur Esadi. In 2019, he appeared in front of the camera in the movie Shark directed by Ali Atshani. Mr. Karim Farshad's film Automatic in 1401 is in his portfolio.


Year Film Name Position Role Director Description / Release
2013 Anger and Reconciliation Actor Sogand Ali jhkan TV series
2010 Deportees 3 Actor Masoud DehNamaki movie
2012 scandal Actor Roya Masoud DehNamaki movie
2013 Relatively bad children Actor Elham Sirous Moghadam broadcast on network 1
2015 Ghazale Actor Pari Mohsen Shah Mohamadi  movie
2016 The death of yellow women Actor Tehran Purple Theater
2018 Immortality Sequence Plan Actor Mehdi Fard Ghaderi
2019 Recovery Actor Laila Bahador Asadi Home show series
2020 shark Actor Neli Ali Atshani
2021 Automatic film Actor Karim Farshad




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interior design

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Build an app

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Lots of prizes

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birthday party

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High speed

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Mehsa Kamyabi Art & Performance Gallery

  • All
  • movie
  • serial

Ghahr ashti serial


javdanegi Movie


ghazaleh movie


Relatively bad children series


مهسا کامیابی در اخراجی ها

rosvae movie


yellow woman’s dead theater


recovery serial


مهسا کامیابی در اخراجی های 3

rosvaee 3 movie mahsa kamyabi


فیلم کوسه با بازی مهسا کامیابی

mahsa kamyabi Shark movie


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I live in Iran , Mahsa Kamyabi

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